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Social Issues films
- '63 Boycott
- 100 Children Waiting for a Train
- 108 (Cuchillo de Palo)
- 12 O'Clock Boys
- 56 UP
- 900 Days
- A Baptism of Fire
- A Bit of Scarlet
- A Bold Peace
- A Concerned Citizen
- A Maid for Each
- A Reckoning in Boston
- About Executing Eichmann
- Agent Orange
- Agustin's Newspaper
- Almost Home
- Althea
- Ama
- American Arab
- An Injury To One
- And She Could Be Next: Part One - Building the Movement
- And She Could Be Next: Part Two - Claiming Power
- And There Was Israel
- Another World is Possible
- Antonio Negri
- Argentina: Hope in Hard Times
- As Goes Janesville
- Barber Shop - Ep 1: Clacton-on-Sea / UK
- Barber Shop - Ep 2: India
- Barber Shop - Ep 3: Detroit / USA
- Barber Shop - Ep 4: Rio De Janeiro / Brazil
- Barber Shop - Ep 5: Smara Refugee Camp / Algeria
- Barber Shop - Ep 6: Pretoria West / South Africa
- Be Seeing You
- Beautiful Things
- Beginnings
- Best Kept Secret
- Between Joyce and Remembrance
- Between Two Worlds
- Black Hair Magic
- Blue Helmet
- Bombay Our City
- Boom Boom
- Border South
- Boy I Am
- Brave New West
- Bullets in the Hood: A Bed-Stuy Story
- Butterflies and Bulldozers
- California Dreams
- Cane River
- Carmen and Geoffrey
- Cat City
- Catching Sight of Thelma and Louise
- Cheshire, Ohio
- Chez Jolie Coiffure
- Children of Mandala
- Chinese Portrait
- Circuit Earth
- Class of Struggle
- Coconut Head Generation
- Codigo Color, Memorias
- Company Town
- Complicit
- Confounding Father - Episode 1
- Confounding Father - Episode 2
- Confounding Father - Episode 3
- Confounding Father - Episode 4
- Congo: The Doctor Who Saves Women
- Connectivity Project
- Dark Days
- Davos
- Dead Souls - Part I
- Dead Souls - Part II
- Dead Souls - Part III
- Deprogrammed
- Disturbing the Peace
- DIVEST! The Climate Movement on Tour
- Do You Remember Vietnam?
- Don't Give Up Your Voice!
- Downstream to Kinshasa
- Drowned Out
- Earth Seasoned: #GapYear
- East of Salinas
- Edith+Eddie
- Egg Cream
- El Poeta
- Elder Voices
- Elena
- Every Three Seconds
- Everything Must Fall
- Fannie's Film
- Far from Vietnam
- Father to Son
- Fight Hate With Love
- Flower in Otomi
- Food Coop
- Food for a Blush
- Food for Thought - Cooking with Commitment - Ep. 2
- Food for Thought - Humanity in One Pot - Ep. 3
- Food for Thought - Persian Balance - Ep. 7
- Food for Thought - Risotto Meets Saké - Ep. 1
- Food for Thought - Tasting Qualities - Ep. 5
- Food for Thought - The Art of Not Stirring - Ep. 4
- Food for Thought - You are What You Eat - Ep. 6
- Football Under Cover
- For the Bible Tells Me So
- Four Paths to Dignity
- France (Les Habitants)
- Free Puppies!
- From The Other Side
- G is for Gun
- Ghosthunter
- Ghosts of Attica
- Good White People
- Groundswell Rising
- Guernica
- Guns and Mothers
- H2Omx
- Heart of Stone
- Heroes for a Semester
- High on Crack Street: Lost Lives in Lowell
- Hissein Habre, A Chadian Tragedy
- How to Steal a Country
- Howard Zinn: You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train
- I Am Somebody
- If This Ain't Heaven
- Imaginary Feasts
- Imagining the Indian: The Fight Against Native American Mascoting
- In Mansourah, You Separated Us
- In My Blood It Runs
- In the Light of Reverence
- Intermission
- It Is Not Over Yet
- Jaguar
- Jai Bhim Comrade
- James Baldwin: From Another Place
- Jean Ziegler, the Optimism of Willpower
- Karamay
- Karayuki-San, The Making of a Prostitute
- Kent State: The Day the War Came Home
- Kigali Shaolin Temple
- Kingsley's Crossing
- La Camioneta
- La Commune (Paris 1871) Part 2
- Lapü
- Last Grave at Dimbaza
- Last Summer Won't Happen
- Latin Kings: A Street Gang Story
- Liberation: The User's Guide
- Life is Beautiful
- Like Any Other Kid
- Little By Little
- Lock-Up: The Prisoners of Rikers Island
- Long Story Short
- Lost Course
- Love and Solidarity
- Mama Colonel
- Mammy Water
- Markie in Milwaukee
- Martha: A Picture Story
- McLibel
- Meantime
- Meeting the Man: James Baldwin in Paris
- Miners Shot Down
- Mirages
- Miss Kiet's Children
- Moi, Un Noir
- Mrs. B., A North Korean Woman
- Multiracial Identity
- My Maysoon
- National Diploma
- Nixon’s Reversal
- No Fear No Favor
- No Place For You In Our Town
- Nostalgia for the Light
- Not to Forget
- Now He's Out in Public and Everyone Can See
- Off the Road
- Oil and Water
- Olancho
- Open Bethlehem
- Orchestrating Change
- Ordinary People: The Peacemakers
- Original Minds
- Outlaw-Matsu Comes Home
- Overdosed
- Overload
- Patrimonio
- Plane Truths
- Please Hold The Line
- Pony Boys
- Power to Heal
- Profit and Nothing But!
- Putin's Witnesses
- Queen of Condoms
- Queer Coolie-tudes
- Quest
- Rebels on Pointe
- Red Hollywood
- Red Hook Justice
- Red Squad
- Redefining Prosperity
- Refuge
- Resistance is Life
- Riddles of the Sphinx
- Rule of Law
- Sacco & Vanzetti
- Salvador Allende
- Scheme Birds
- School of Babel
- Searching Eva
- Seduced and Blackmailed
- Seeing is Believing
- Sermons and Sacred Pictures
- Seventeen
- Sexy Baby
- Siberian Love
- Sir! No Sir!
- Sleeping Souls
- Sociology is a Martial Art
- South
- Spark
- SPK Complex
- Split Estate
- Still Waters
- Stonewall
- Stray Dog
- Swimming Out Till the Sea Turns Blue
- Tadmor
- Tahrir: Liberation Square
- Talk Mogadishu
- Tar Creek
- Thank You for the Rain
- The Activists
- The Adventurers of Modern Art - Ep 1
- The Adventurers of Modern Art - Ep 2
- The Adventurers of Modern Art - Ep 3
- The Adventurers of Modern Art - Ep 4
- The Adventurers of Modern Art - Ep 5
- The Adventurers of Modern Art - Ep 6
- The Apizaco Shaman
- The Cordillera of Dreams
- The Dhamma Brothers
- The Dilemma of Desire
- The Dirty War on the National Health Service
- The East Wind State Farm
- The Enemy Within
- The Five Demands
- The Fruitless Tree
- The Goumbé of the Young Revelers
- The Hand That Feeds
- The Human Pyramid
- The Image You Missed
- The Inheritors
- The Intolerable Burden
- The Kill Team
- The Last Pullman Car
- The Lion Hunters
- The Lost Village
- The Machine Which Makes Everything Disappear
- The Mad Masters
- The Making of 'Rocky Road to Dublin'
- The Observer
- The Other Day
- The Other Side of Everything
- The Paradise We Are Looking For
- The Pinochet Case
- The Prison Promise
- The Red Soul
- The Return
- The Revisionaries
- The River Between Us
- The Salt Mines
- The Sequel
- The Shooting on Mole Street
- The Sixth Side of the Pentagon
- The Society of the Spectacle
- The Society of the Spectacle (French w/ Eng. subtitles)
- The Son
- The Storm Makers
- The Thorn in the Heart
- The Tiniest Place
- The Transformation
- The True Cost
- The Ugliest Car
- The Underground Orchestra
- The Unreturned Soldiers In Malaysia
- The Unreturned Soldiers In Thailand
- The Village - Episode 1
- The Village - Episode 10
- The Village - Episode 2
- The Village - Episode 3
- The Village - Episode 4
- The Village - Episode 5
- The Village - Episode 6
- The Village - Episode 7
- The Village - Episode 8
- The Village - Episode 9
- The Water Front
- The Wobblies
- The World Before Your Feet
- Thinking Existenz - Ep 04 - Suad Amiry
- Thinking Existenz - Ep 06 - Esther Duflo
- Thinking Existenz - Ep 08 - Vandana Shiva
- Thinking Existenz - Ep 10 - Braden Allenby
- Third Avenue: Only the Strong Survive
- This Is Home
- This Stolen Country of Mine
- Through A Lens Darkly
- Time of the Locust
- Tiny: A Story About Living Small
- To A More Perfect Union: U.S. v. Windsor
- To Be of Service
- To Tell the Truth: Working for Change
- Tomorrow
- Tomorrow's Saturday
- Trinity
- Triple Divide [REDACTED]
- Trust Me
- Under the Sun
- Ursula von Rydingsvard: Into Her Own
- Verified Couple
- Voices from the Front
- War and Peace
- War In The Mind
- Water First
- We All Fall Down
- We Are The Radical Monarchs
- Western
- What Our Fathers Did: A Nazi Legacy
- When A Farm Goes Aflame
- When Abortion was Illegal
- When Claude Got Shot
- When Justice Isn't Just
- When Two Worlds Collide
- White Rage
- Women Against the Bomb
- Xmas Without China
- You Will Be Swedish, My Daughter
- Zinder
- Zona Franca