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History films
- '63 Boycott
- "I Do Not Care if We Go Down in History as Barbarians"
- 100 Years of Japanese Cinema
- 108 (Cuchillo de Palo)
- 1914: A War of Images
- 1989: A Statesman Opens Up
- 2 X 50 Years of French Cinema
- 40,000 Years of Dreaming
- 50 Years of Fabulous
- 56 UP
- 575 Castro St.
- 64 Day Hero: A Boxer's Tale
- 900 Days
- A Boatload of Wild Irishmen
- A Bold Peace
- A Call to Action: The Freedom Budget of 1966
- A Diary for Timothy
- A Fierce Green Fire
- A Film Unfinished
- A German Youth
- A Good Man
- A History of the European Working Class - Episode 1
- A History of the European Working Class - Episode 2
- A History of the European Working Class - Episode 3
- A History of the European Working Class - Episode 4
- A Home Called Nebraska
- A Lion's Trail
- A Place Called Wahala
- A Reckoning in Boston
- A Tribute to Malcolm X
- About Executing Eichmann
- Abstract Cinema
- Accordions Rising
- Adam Smith, The Birth of the Free Market
- Adama
- Afghanistan 1979: The War That Changed the World
- After Stonewall
- Afternoon of a Faun
- Agent Orange
- Agustin's Newspaper
- All About My Sisters
- Almost Home
- Althea
- Althusser, an Intellectual Adventure
- Ama
- American Feud
- American Socialist: Eugene Debs
- Americas in Transition
- An Ecology of Mind
- An Injury To One
- Anarchism in America
- And There Was Israel
- Another Country
- Another Paradise
- Antisemitism
- Antonio Negri
- Argentina: Hope in Hard Times
- Arguing the World
- Around India with a Movie Camera
- As a Young Girl of Thirteen...
- As I Open My Eyes
- As If It Were Yesterday
- Backfired
- Backyard
- Ballets Russes
- Barber Shop - Ep 1: Clacton-on-Sea / UK
- Barber Shop - Ep 2: India
- Barber Shop - Ep 3: Detroit / USA
- Barber Shop - Ep 4: Rio De Janeiro / Brazil
- Barber Shop - Ep 5: Smara Refugee Camp / Algeria
- Barber Shop - Ep 6: Pretoria West / South Africa
- Battaglia
- Be Seeing You
- Beatrix Farrand's American Landscapes
- Before Stonewall: Restored Edition
- Beltracchi: The Art of Forgery
- Berliner Ballade
- Between Joyce and Remembrance
- Between Two-Spirit
- Beyond My Grandfather Allende
- Black Is the Color: A History of African American Art
- Black Sun
- Blowback
- Blue Helmet
- Blue Island
- Bones of Contention
- Born in Evin
- Bright Leaves
- Bringing It Home
- Bruly Bouabré's Alphabet
- Building on Tainted Soil
- Butterflies and Bulldozers
- Capturing the Flag
- Carface (Autos Portraits)
- Catching Sight of Thelma and Louise
- Changing Our Minds: The Story of Dr. Evelyn Hooker
- Chantal Akerman by Chantal Akerman
- Chasing Portraits
- Chasing Water
- Cheshire, Ohio
- Chicago Boys
- Chile, Obstinate Memory
- Churchill's Island
- Ciné-Guerrillas: Scenes from the Labudović Reels
- Cinema Novo
- Cinema of Tears
- Circuit Earth
- City of the Sun
- Class of Struggle
- Claude Monet in Giverny, Alice's House
- Clotheslines
- Colette
- Colette and Justin
- Color Adjustment
- Combat Obscura
- Come Hell or High Water
- Company Town
- Concrete Love
- Confounding Father - Episode 1
- Confounding Father - Episode 2
- Confounding Father - Episode 3
- Confounding Father - Episode 4
- Congo: The Doctor Who Saves Women
- Conversations with Roy DeCarava
- Cooked: Survival by ZIP Code
- Cul de Sac: A Suburban War Story
- Dark Circle
- Dateline - Saigon
- Dawson City: Frozen Time
- Dead Souls - Part I
- Dead Souls - Part II
- Dead Souls - Part III
- Decade of Fire
- December Days
- Deprogrammed
- Did You Wonder Who Fired the Gun?
- Diplomacy
- Disco and Atomic War
- Disturbing the Peace
- Do Communists Have Better Sex?
- Do You Remember Vietnam?
- Don't Give Up Your Voice!
- Double Life, a Short History of Sex in the USSR
- Draw Me Saint-Exupery
- Dreams Rewired
- Drifters
- Dykes, Camera, Action!
- Eames: The Architect & The Painter
- East Punk Memories
- El General
- El Poeta
- El Sicario, Room 164
- Elder Voices
- Enginemen
- Ethnic Notions
- Everything Must Fall
- Evolution of Organic
- Exile, A Myth Unearthed - Part 1
- Exile, A Myth Unearthed - Part 2
- Expedition Content
- Eye on the Guy
- F11 and Be There
- Facing The Storm
- Faith Love Desire - Ep 1 - First Love
- Faith Love Desire - Ep 2 - Fulfilled Love
- Faith Love Desire - Ep 3 - Forbidden Love
- Far from Vietnam
- Fighting in Southwest Louisiana
- Finally Got the News
- Fires Were Started
- First Passion
- Flower in Otomi
- Food for a Blush
- Footprints of War - Nature Under Fire
- Forgiving Dr. Mengele
- Forgotten World
- Foucault Against Himself
- Francofonia
- Free Voice of Labor: The Jewish Anarchists
- Frenemies
- Frida Kahlo & Tina Modotti
- From the Journals of Jean Seberg
- Fundi: The Story of Ella Baker
- Future of Mud
- Gabo: The Creation of Gabriel Garcia Marquez
- Gay USA
- Germans & Jews
- Ghosts of Attica
- Glory to the Queen
- God
- Golda Maria
- Gorbachev. Heaven
- Green Fire
- Guernica
- Hamou-Beya, Sand Fishers
- Harbour of Hope
- Heimat is a Space in Time
- Hissein Habre, A Chadian Tragedy
- Hitler - A Career
- Hotel Terminus - Part I
- Hotel Terminus - Part II
- Hotel Terminus - Part III
- How Putin Came to Power
- Howard Zinn: A People's History of the United States
- Human Terrain
- I Am Become Death: They Made the Bomb
- I Am Somebody
- Imaginary Feasts
- In Motion: Amiri Baraka
- In Our Own Hands
- In Search of Memory
- In the Intense Now
- In the Mirror of Maya Deren
- Inhabitants
- Integration Report 1
- Investigation of a Flame
- James Baldwin: From Another Place
- Jay Myself
- Jesus Politics
- Josep
- Journal de France
- Jump Shot: The Kenny Sailors Story
- Jutra
- Karamay
- Karayuki-San, The Making of a Prostitute
- Karl Polanyi, The Human Factor
- Kentridge and Dumas in Conversation
- Keynes vs Hayek: A Fake Debate?
- Kimjongilia
- King of the Hill
- Kuxa Kanema
- La Commune (Paris 1871) Part 2
- Ladies and Gentlemen... Mr Leonard Cohen
- Last Grave at Dimbaza
- Last Summer Won't Happen
- Latest News from the Cosmos
- Le Joli Mai
- Lemebel
- Let the Fire Burn
- Level Five
- Libby, Montana
- Life of a Queen
- Listen to Britain
- Lobster War
- Lomax the Songhunter
- London
- London Can Take It!
- Lonely Boy
- Looking for Horses
- Looting the Pacific
- Los Sures
- Love and Solidarity
- Malick Sidibé
- Mama Colonel
- Marcel Ophuls and Jean-Luc Godard
- Margaret Sanger: A Public Nuisance
- Marie Curie: The Courage of Knowledge
- Marius Petipa: The French Master of Russian Ballet
- Marx Reloaded
- Mary & Myself
- Meeting the Man: James Baldwin in Paris
- Milestones
- Mina's Recipe Book
- Mondovino: All Roads Lead to Rome
- Mondovino: Crossing the Rubicon
- Mondovino: Et tu Brute…
- Mondovino: Magic Potion
- Mondovino: Pax Panoramix
- Mondovino: Quo Vademus
- Mondovino: Rome Was Not Built in a Day
- Mondovino: The Appian Way
- Mondovino: Veni, Vidi, Vendidi
- Mondovino: Where's Astérix?
- My Imaginary Country
- Myanmar Diaries
- Myth of a Colorblind France
- Naji Al-Ali
- Naples '44
- Neither Allah, Nor Master!
- Nelson Algren: The End is Nothing, The Road is All
- Night Cries
- Night Mail
- Nixon’s Reversal
- No Fish Where to Go
- No Gods, No Masters - Pt. I
- No Gods, No Masters - Pt. II
- No Gods, No Masters - Pt. III
- No Ordinary Man
- No Secret Anymore: The Times of Del Martin & Phyllis Lyon
- Non-Aligned: Scenes from the Labudović Reels
- Nostalgia for the Light
- Notes on Marie Menken
- On the Bowery
- Once Was Water
- One Bright Shining Moment
- One Day in the Life of Andrei Arsenevich
- One or Two Questions
- Open Bethlehem
- Ordinary People: The Peacemakers
- Oscar
- Outlaw-Matsu Comes Home
- Oyster
- Painted Landscapes of the Times
- Paths of the Soul
- Patsy Mink: Ahead of the Majority
- Photographic Memory
- Pollock & Pollock
- Portrait of Jason
- Power to Heal
- Preserving Worlds S1 Ep2: ZZT
- Preserving Worlds S2 Ep4: Active Worlds - Cyberspace With A Human Face
- Preserving Worlds S2 Ep6: Gemstone IV / Final Fantasy XIV
- Prisoner of Her Past
- Project Z
- Propaganda: The Manufacture of Consent
- Putin's Witnesses
- Queen of Condoms
- Queer Coolie-tudes
- Queer Genius
- Rabbit a la Berlin
- Reconstruction of Occupation
- Red Hollywood
- Redefining Prosperity
- Refuge England
- Remembrance of Things to Come
- Ricardo and Malthus: Did You Say Freedom?
- Rocco and His Brothers
- Rock Hudson's Home Movies
- Rocks in My Pockets
- Roque Dalton
- Route One/USA (part 1)
- Roy Smeck: Wizard of the Strings
- Royal Children
- Royal Journey
- Rule of Law
- Sacco & Vanzetti
- Sacco and Vanzetti
- Sacred Cod
- Sad Song of Yellow Skin
- Salvador Allende
- Saving Mes Aynak
- Searching For Gerda Taro
- Secrets from Putumayo
- Sermons and Sacred Pictures
- Seven Songs for Malcolm X
- Shattered Sky
- Sherman's March
- Sierra Leone Greets the Queen
- Silent Witnesses
- Silverlake Life
- Sir! No Sir!
- Six O Clock News
- Sociology is a Martial Art
- Sol LeWitt
- Sound and Chaos: The Story of BC Studio
- South
- Southward with Prince Philip
- Space Dogs
- Spark
- SPK Complex
- Standing on Sacred Ground: Pilgrims and Tourists
- Still Burn (Algo quema)
- Stolen Spirits
- Stonewall
- Stony Paths
- Stray Dog
- Sun Kissed
- Sunrise/Sunset
- Surviving Progress
- Swimming Out Till the Sea Turns Blue
- Symbiotic Earth
- System Error
- Tahrir: Liberation Square
- Tatsumi
- Terres Barcelo
- Terrorists in Retirement
- Thanks to Hank
- The 317th Platoon
- The Activists
- The Adventurers of Modern Art - Ep 1
- The Adventurers of Modern Art - Ep 2
- The Adventurers of Modern Art - Ep 3
- The Adventurers of Modern Art - Ep 4
- The Adventurers of Modern Art - Ep 5
- The Adventurers of Modern Art - Ep 6
- The Annotated Field Guide of Ulysses S. Grant
- The Apocalyptic is the Mother of All Christian Theology
- The Apology
- The Autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu
- The Basketball Game
- The Battle of Chile (Part 1)
- The Battle of Chile (Part 2)
- The Battle of Chile (Part 3)
- The Bomb
- The Champagne Safari
- The Children of 209 Saint-Maur Street
- The Chinese Lives of Uli Sigg
- The Cordillera of Dreams
- The Dazzling Light of Sunset
- The Devil is in the Detail
- The Divided Brain
- The Enemy Within
- The First Days
- The First Year
- The Five Demands
- The Girl With The Rivet Gun
- The Gold Spinners
- The Good War and Those Who Refused to Fight It
- The Gospel of Revolution
- The Goumbé of the Young Revelers
- The Grand Masters of the Chauvet Cave
- The Hitler Chronicles - Blueprint for Dictators - Part 1
- The Hitler Chronicles - Blueprint for Dictators - Part 2
- The Hitler Chronicles - Blueprint for Dictators - Part 3
- The Hitler Chronicles - Blueprint for Dictators - Part 4
- The Internationale
- The Intolerable Burden
- The Invisible Frame
- The Ister
- The Kill Team
- The Last Bolshevik
- The Last Happy Day
- The Little Cafe
- The Lost Village
- The Making of 'Rocky Road to Dublin'
- The Marines
- The Mystery of Chaco Canyon
- The Mystery of Picasso
- The New Metropolis - Cracks in the Pavement
- The New Metropolis - The New Neighbors
- The Observer
- The Offended
- The Other Side of Everything
- The Owl's Legacy: Amnesty, or History on the March
- The Owl's Legacy: Cosmogony, or the Ways of the World
- The Owl's Legacy: Democracy, or City of Dreams
- The Owl's Legacy: Logomachy, or the Dialect of the Tribe
- The Owl's Legacy: Mathematics, or the Empire Counts Back
- The Owl's Legacy: Misogyny, or the Snares of Desire
- The Owl's Legacy: Music, or Inner Space
- The Owl's Legacy: Mythology, or Lies Like Truth
- The Owl's Legacy: Nostalgia, or The Impossible Return
- The Owl's Legacy: Olympics, or Imaginary Greece
- The Owl's Legacy: Philosophy, or the Triumph of the Owl
- The Owl's Legacy: Symposium, or Accepted Ideas
- The Owl's Legacy: Tragedy, or the Illusion of Death
- The Patriot Game
- The Pinochet Case
- The Pirates of Bubuan
- The Red Soul
- The Resolute
- The Rest I Make Up
- The Return of the Cuyahoga
- The Seasons in Quincy: Four Portraits of John Berger
- The Silence of Mark Rothko
- The Sixth Side of the Pentagon
- The Society of the Spectacle
- The Society of the Spectacle (French w/ Eng. subtitles)
- The Song of Ceylon
- The Story of Film: A New Generation
- The Story of Film: An Odyssey, Part 1
- The Story of Film: An Odyssey, Part 10
- The Story of Film: An Odyssey, Part 11
- The Story of Film: An Odyssey, Part 12
- The Story of Film: An Odyssey, Part 13
- The Story of Film: An Odyssey, Part 14
- The Story of Film: An Odyssey, Part 15
- The Story of Film: An Odyssey, Part 2
- The Story of Film: An Odyssey, Part 3
- The Story of Film: An Odyssey, Part 4
- The Story of Film: An Odyssey, Part 5
- The Story of Film: An Odyssey, Part 6
- The Story of Film: An Odyssey, Part 7
- The Story of Film: An Odyssey, Part 8
- The Story of Film: An Odyssey, Part 9
- The Tiniest Place
- The Trials of Henry Kissinger
- The Troubles We've Seen Part 1
- The Troubles We've Seen Part 2
- The Two Lives of Eva
- The Ugliest Car
- The Unreturned Soldiers In Malaysia
- The Unreturned Soldiers In Thailand
- The Vanishing Street
- The Wealth of Nations: A New Gospel?
- The Wobblies
- The Woodmans
- There Are Jews Here
- They Are We
- Thinking Existenz - Ep 09 - Lula da Silva
- This Magnificent Cake!
- Tighten Your Belts, Bite the Bullet
- Time Indefinite
- Time of the Locust
- Tina In Mexico
- Tinghir Jerusalem
- To Tell the Truth: The Strategy of Truth
- To Tell the Truth: Working for Change
- Together
- Togoland Projections
- Tomorrow's Saturday
- Travels in the Congo (Voyage au Congo)
- Tribal Justice
- TVTV: Video Revolutionaries
- Typeface
- Typically British: A Personal History of British Cinema by Stephen Frears
- Una Historia Necesaria - Episode 01: Alfredo Garcia
- Una Historia Necesaria - Episode 02: Anatonio Llido
- Una Historia Necesaria - Episode 03: Julia Vega
- Una Historia Necesaria - Episode 04: Rodolfo Gonzalez
- Una Historia Necesaria - Episode 05: Dapollonio
- Una Historia Necesaria - Episode 06: Alfonso Chanfreau
- Una Historia Necesaria - Episode 07: Alvaro Barrios
- Una Historia Necesaria - Episode 08: Reinalda Pereira
- Una Historia Necesaria - Episode 09: Alan Bruce
- Una Historia Necesaria - Episode 10: Jorge Dorival
- Una Historia Necesaria - Episode 11: David Silberman
- Una Historia Necesaria - Episode 12: Claudio Thauby
- Una Historia Necesaria - Episode 13: Gonzalo Torogarland
- Una Historia Necesaria - Episode 14: Diana Aron
- Una Historia Necesaria - Episode 15: Ceclia Bojanic
- Una Historia Necesaria - Episode 16: Ana Gonzalez
- Unfinished Spaces
- Unmarked
- Ursula von Rydingsvard: Into Her Own
- Van Gogh
- Violette Leduc, In Pursuit of Love
- Vito
- Voices from the Front
- Walking On Water Wasn't Built in a Day
- War and Peace
- We All Fall Down
- We Are The Radical Monarchs
- Welcome to Leith
- What If Babel Was Just a Myth?
- What If Marx Was Right?
- What Our Fathers Did: A Nazi Legacy
- What We Left Unfinished
- When Abortion was Illegal
- When Banana Ruled
- When Memory Comes: A Film About Saul Friedlander
- Which Way Is East: Notebooks from Vietnam
- Wim Wenders' Story of His Early Years
- Winter Soldier
- With André Gide
- With God On Our Side - Episode 1
- With God On Our Side - Episode 2
- With God On Our Side - Episode 3
- With God On Our Side - Episode 4
- With God On Our Side - Episode 5
- With God On Our Side - Episode 6
- Women Against the Bomb
- Yiddish
- You Will Be Swedish, My Daughter
- Zoo Station: The Story of Christiane F.