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Films from Bullfrog Films
- A Bold Peace
- A Concerned Citizen
- A Fierce Green Fire
- A Home Called Nebraska
- A Quest for Meaning
- A Reckoning in Boston
- A Silent Transformation
- Aboriginal Architecture
- Affluenza
- After the Spill
- After Tiller
- Alan Magee: art is not a solace
- Ama
- An Ecology of Mind
- Another World is Possible
- Anthropocene
- Argentina: Hope in Hard Times
- August Pace: 1989-2019
- Backfired
- Beatrix Farrand's American Landscapes
- Becoming Animal
- Berkeley in the Sixties
- Better This World
- Between Joyce and Remembrance
- Between Two Worlds
- Big or Small?
- Biophilic Design
- Blowback
- Bluespace
- Border South
- Brave New West
- Bringing It Home
- Brother Towns / Pueblos Hermanos
- Butterflies and Bulldozers
- Buyer Be Fair
- Capturing the Flag
- Catching Sight of Thelma and Louise
- Celling Your Soul
- Chasing Water
- Cheat Neutral
- Cheshire, Ohio
- Circuit Earth
- Cocaine Unwrapped
- Come Hell or High Water
- Coming to Light
- Company Town
- Complicit
- Connectivity Project
- Cultivating Kids
- Day One
- Denial
- Dirty Business
- Disturbing the Peace
- DIVEST! The Climate Movement on Tour
- Do You Remember Vietnam?
- Don't Give Up Your Voice!
- Drowned Out
- Earth Seasoned: #GapYear
- East of Salinas
- El Poeta
- Elder Voices
- Evolution of Organic
- Facing The Storm
- Farmsteaders
- Fat or Skinny?
- Food Coop
- Food or Fuel?
- For the Love of Movies
- Frenemies
- From Danger to Dignity
- From Seed to Seed
- From This Day Forward
- G is for Gun
- Gladesmen: The Last of the Sawgrass Cowboys
- Good Food
- Green Fire
- Groundswell Rising
- Guardian
- Haida Modern
- Human Terrain
- If A Tree Falls
- In Our Own Hands
- In the Light of Reverence
- Into The Night (Part 1)
- Into The Night (Part 2)
- Keepers of the Future
- Let Them Eat Dirt
- Libby, Montana
- Like Any Other Kid
- Lobster War
- Looting the Pacific
- Love and Solidarity
- Lunch Love Community
- McLibel
- Multiracial Identity
- Near or Far?
- No Fear No Favor
- No Time To Waste
- Oil and Water
- Old or New?
- Once Was Water
- One Big Home
- Open Bethlehem
- Orchestrating Change
- Original Minds
- Our Mockingbird
- Overload
- Oyster
- Plane Truths
- Planeat
- Planetary
- Power to Heal
- Priceless
- Project Z
- Psychology and the New Heroism
- Racing To Zero
- Rain in a Dry Land
- Redefining Prosperity
- Reflection: A Walk With Water
- Refuge
- Regenerating Life
- Rosita
- Rule of Law
- Sacred Cod
- School's Out
- Seats At The Table
- Shattered Sky
- Shift Change
- Sir! No Sir!
- Split Estate
- Standing on Sacred Ground: Fire and Ice
- Standing on Sacred Ground: Islands of Sanctuary
- Standing on Sacred Ground: Pilgrims and Tourists
- Standing on Sacred Ground: Profit and Loss
- Stay or Go?
- Stewart Udall: The Politics of Beauty
- Still Waters
- Stray Dog
- Sun Kissed
- Symbiotic Earth
- Talk Mogadishu
- Tar Creek
- The Activists
- The Best of Both Worlds
- The City Dark (83 minute version)
- The Dhamma Brothers
- The Dirty War on the National Health Service
- The Divided Brain
- The Ecological Footprint
- The Enemy Within
- The Girl With The Rivet Gun
- The Good War and Those Who Refused to Fight It
- The Hand That Feeds
- The Kill Team
- The Mystery of Chaco Canyon
- The New Metropolis - Cracks in the Pavement
- The New Metropolis - The New Neighbors
- The Next Industrial Revolution
- The Providers
- The Return
- The Return of the Cuyahoga
- The Secret Life of Your Clothes
- The Sequel
- The Third Harmony
- The Toxic Reigns of Resentment
- The Trouble with Bread
- The True Cost
- The Water Front
- The Wisdom to Survive
- Thirst
- Thirst for Justice
- Tina In Mexico
- Tokyo Waka
- Town Destroyer
- Trees in Trouble
- Tribal Justice
- Triple Divide [REDACTED]
- Truth Tellers
- Unfinished Spaces
- Walking On Water Wasn't Built in a Day
- War In The Mind
- Water First
- We Are Not Ghosts
- We Are The Radical Monarchs
- We Still Live Here
- Weather The Storm
- What Our Fathers Did: A Nazi Legacy
- What's the Economy for, Anyway?
- When Abortion was Illegal
- Where Can We Live In Peace?
- Who's Next?
- Works For All
- Written on the Landscape
- Xmas Without China