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• NARRATIVE • films
- "I Do Not Care if We Go Down in History as Barbarians"
- 11 Flowers
- 1945
- 339 Amín Abel Hasbun. Memory of a Crime
- 4 Days in France
- 500 Francs
- A Bread Factory - Part 1
- A Bread Factory - Part 2
- A Coffee in Berlin
- A Family Submerged
- A Film About Couples
- A Five Star Life
- A Fool
- A Game for Six Lovers (L’eau à la bouche)
- A Game of Three Halves - Episode 1
- A Game of Three Halves - Episode 2
- A Game of Three Halves - Episode 3
- A Game of Three Halves - Episode 4
- A Game of Three Halves - Episode 5
- A Kid (Le Fils de Jean)
- A Light Never Goes Out
- A Man Called Ove
- A Man Vanishes
- A Month In Thailand
- A Month of Sundays
- A New Old Play
- A Quiet Passion
- A Real Job
- A Spell to Ward Off the Darkness
- A Story of Water
- A Tale of Love and Desire
- A Teacher
- A Town Called Panic
- A Violent Life
- Aberdeen
- Adela
- Adieu Paris
- Aferim!
- After Blue (Dirty Paradise)
- After Love
- Ága
- Aimée and Jaguar
- Ainsi Meurent Les Anges (And So Angels Die)
- Air Doll
- Alena
- Alice
- Alice
- All the Boys Are Called Patrick
- All the Cities of the North
- Alleluia
- Allonsanfan
- Alois Nebel
- Always Shine
- Amira
- Amore Mio
- An Elephant Sitting Still
- An Eye for Beauty
- Anatolian Leopard
- And Then We Danced
- Andrés Reads and Writes
- Angels Wear White
- Ape
- Araby
- Arrebato (Rapture)
- As Good As You
- As I Open My Eyes
- Astrakan
- At Last the 1948 Show - Series 1 Episode 1
- At Last the 1948 Show - Series 1 Episode 2
- At Last the 1948 Show - Series 1 Episode 3
- At Last the 1948 Show - Series 1 Episode 4
- At Last the 1948 Show - Series 1 Episode 5
- At Last the 1948 Show - Series 1 Episode 6
- At Last the 1948 Show - Series 2 Episode 1
- At Last the 1948 Show - Series 2 Episode 2
- At Last the 1948 Show - Series 2 Episode 3
- At Last the 1948 Show - Series 2 Episode 4
- At Last the 1948 Show - Series 2 Episode 5
- At Last the 1948 Show - Series 2 Episode 6
- At Last the 1948 Show - Series 2 Episode 7
- Attila Marcel
- August at Akiko's
- Augustine
- Aya of Yop City
- Bad Fever
- Bad Hair
- Bamako
- Battle of Memories
- Beanpole
- Beautiful Beings
- Beauty and the Dogs
- Beauty in Trouble
- Bedevil
- Beloved Sisters
- Below
- Black Out
- Bless Their Little Hearts
- Blind
- Blue Black Permanent
- Bluebeard (Kékszakállú)
- Boreal
- Boris Without Beatrice
- Born in Flames
- Bridgend
- Bright Future
- By the Grace of God
- By the Time It Gets Dark
- Camille Claudel
- Camocim
- Cane River
- Captain Abu Raed
- Carmo Hit the Road
- Casa de Lava
- Casa Grande, or the Ballad of Poor Jean
- Casting Blossoms to the Sky
- Charlie's Country
- Charlotte and Her Boyfriend
- Christmas Again
- Citizens of the World
- Clara Sola
- Come Back, Africa
- Come Undone
- Concrete Night
- Contactado
- Conviction
- Cop Story
- Cows Wearing Glasses
- Creepy
- Crimson Gold
- Crystal Swan
- Dachra
- Dance Party USA
- DannyBoy
- Dark Diamond
- Datsche
- David Holzman's Diary
- Dedalus
- Demons
- Deserted Station
- Detention
- Devil in the Flesh
- Diplomacy
- Django
- Do Not Adjust Your Set - Episode 1
- Do Not Adjust Your Set - Episode 10
- Do Not Adjust Your Set - Episode 11
- Do Not Adjust Your Set - Episode 13
- Do Not Adjust Your Set - Episode 2
- Do Not Adjust Your Set - Episode 4
- Do Not Adjust Your Set - Episode 5
- Do Not Adjust Your Set - Episode 6
- Do Not Adjust Your Set - Episode 9
- Do Not Adjust Your Set - Pilot
- Do Not Adjust Your Set - Season 2 Episode 2
- Do Not Adjust Your Set - Special Edition
- Do Not Adjust Your Stocking
- Dogs
- Doors of the Past
- Down by Love
- Dreams That Money Can Buy
- Eastern Boys
- Eden is West
- El Gran Movimiento
- El Incendio
- Elegant Beast
- Elles
- Embrace of the Serpent
- Empire M
- Everything Else (Todo lo Demás)
- Exit Elena
- Extra Terrestres
- Ezra
- Fagara
- False Confessions
- Family Life
- Family Practice
- Fasten Your Seatbelts
- Father
- Faust
- Female Directors
- Fidelio
- Fill 'er Up With Super
- Fire Will Come
- Fires Were Started
- Flesh and Blood
- Footnotes
- For the Plasma
- Francine
- Frantz
- From What Is Before
- Fugue
- Funny Ha Ha
- Gabi on the Roof in July
- Gateway
- Germinal
- Gett: The Trial of Viviane Amsalem
- Ghost Trip
- Girls Always Happy
- Go For Zucker
- Going Private
- Good Manners
- Green
- Guy
- Ham on Rye
- Hanagatami
- Hang In There Kids! Lokah Laqi!
- Happer's Comet
- Heat Wave
- Helen
- Hero
- Hippocrates: Diary of a French Doctor
- Holiday
- Hopefuls
- How He Fell in Love
- How to be a Good Wife
- How to Tell You're a Douchebag
- I am from Chile
- I, Anna
- I'm Fine (Thanks For Asking)
- I'm Livin' It
- Ice
- Ida
- Ilya Muromets
- In Harmony
- In Her Name
- In His Hands
- In the Aisles
- In the Last Days of the City
- In the Shadow of Women
- In the Soup
- Inbetween Girl
- Invisible Adversaries
- Jane Campion: A Girl's Own Story
- Jane Campion: Passionless Moments
- Jane Campion: Peel
- Janine
- Jealousy
- Jeannette: The Childhood of Joan of Arc
- Jess + Moss
- Jinpa
- Johnnie To's Office
- Julietta
- Jupiter's Moon
- Karmen Gei
- Keep An Eye Out
- Keep the Lights On
- Killing Time
- Kin-dza-dza!
- Kisses
- Knocking
- L'attesa
- La Arrancada
- La Ciudad
- La Commune (Paris 1871) Part 1
- La Dénonciation (The Immoral Moment)
- La Moustache
- La Petite Lili
- Lady Chatterley's Lover
- Lake Los Angeles
- Lamb
- Last Cab to Darwin
- Last Letter
- Le combat dans l'île
- Le Crabe-Tambour
- Le Navire Night
- Le Week-End
- Leila
- Lenz
- Level Five
- Listen
- Little Feet
- Little Sister
- Littlerock
- LOL (Laughing Out Loud)
- Lolita
- Lore
- Lost And Love
- Love the One You Love
- Lumumba
- Lyle
- Ma
- Maborosi
- Mademoiselle Paradis
- Maeve
- Maison Close - Episode 1
- Maison Close - Episode 2
- Maison Close - Episode 3
- Maison Close - Episode 4
- Maison Close - Episode 5
- Maison Close - Episode 6
- Maison Close - Episode 7
- Maison Close - Episode 8
- Maison Close - S2 Ep 1
- Maison Close - S2 Ep 2
- Maison Close - S2 Ep 3
- Maison Close - S2 Ep 4
- Maison Close - S2 Ep 5
- Maison Close - S2 Ep 6
- Maison Close - S2 Ep 7
- Maison Close - S2 Ep 8
- Mambar Pierrette
- Man in the Well
- Manila
- Mar
- Marguerite's Theorem
- Mariam
- Marie Curie: The Courage of Knowledge
- Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts
- Marseille
- Martin Roumagnac
- Marvin, Seth and Stanley
- Memoir of War
- Men of Deeds
- Mesrine: Killer Instinct
- Mesrine: Public Enemy #1
- Metamorphoses
- Mia Madre
- Midwives
- Mimosas
- Mister John
- Monsieur & Madame Adelman
- Monument
- Mountain
- Mozart's Sister
- Murder in the Cathedral
- Murder in the Cathedral Extras
- Museum Hours
- My Brother's Wedding
- My Friend from the Park
- My Fuhrer
- My Name is Emily
- My Revolution
- Mysteries of Lisbon
- Neon Heart
- Never Too Late for Love
- New Jerusalem
- Next Time I'll Aim for the Heart
- Nice Colored Girls
- Night Cries
- Nikah
- No Light and No Land Anywhere
- Nobody From Nowhere
- November
- Nowhere in Africa
- Number One Fan (Elle l'Adore)
- Odette Toulemonde
- Old Dog
- Olivia
- On My Mother's Life
- On the Wandering Paths
- Only Cloud Knows
- OSS 117: Cairo, Nest of Spies
- OSS 117: Lost in Rio
- Our Time
- Our Time Will Come
- Oxhide II
- Papicha
- Parting Glances
- Party Girl
- Paths of the Soul
- Penance: Episode 1
- Penance: Episode 2
- Penance: Episode 3
- Penance: Episode 4
- Penance: Episode 5
- Pendular
- Perfumes
- Pilgrims
- Plan 75
- Polina
- Polite People
- Post Mortem
- Potiche
- Preparations to be Together for an Unknown Period of Time
- Quantum Love
- Quiet City
- Rânia
- Ray & Liz
- Razzia
- Rebel
- Rebels of the Neon God
- Red Like the Sky
- Redlegs
- Return of the Hero
- Ricordi?
- Riddles of the Sphinx
- River of Grass
- Robe of Gems
- Rocco and His Brothers
- Rocks in My Pockets
- Run For Love
- Sacco & Vanzetti
- Saturday Night at the Baths
- School for Love (Futures vedettes)
- School of Life
- Sebastiane
- Sediments
- Sen Sen
- Seraphine
- Seven Weeks
- Sex & Lucía
- Shall We Kiss
- She's Lost Control
- Shirley Adams
- Shortbus
- Show Me Your Love
- Sisterhood
- Sita Sings the Blues
- Six in Paris: Gare du Nord
- Six in Paris: Montparnasse et Levallois
- Six in Paris: Place de l'Étoile
- Six in Paris: Rue Saint Denis
- Six in Paris: Saint Germain des Prés
- Six in Paris: The Mute
- Sleepless Night in Paris
- So Pretty
- Soft in the Head
- Some Divine Wind
- Sophie Scholl: The Final Days
- Sound and Fury
- Spark of Being
- Special Treatment
- Spring Tide
- Stefan Zweig
- Stinking Heaven
- Stonewalling
- Stop-Zemlia
- Strangers in Good Company
- Suburban Birds
- Summer 1993
- Summer White
- Sun Don't Shine
- Superior
- Suzanna Andler
- Take Me Somewhere Nice
- Tales of the Night
- Tall As the Baobab Tree
- Tatsumi
- Tell No One
- Terribly Happy
- The 317th Platoon
- The Academy of Muses
- The Assassin Of The Tsar - English Version
- The Assassin Of The Tsar - Russian Version
- The Assistant
- The Attachment Diaries
- The Big Bad Swim
- The Book of the Dead
- The Botanical Avatar of Mademoiselle Flora
- The Bride From Hades
- The Bridesmaid
- The Butterfly
- The Chef's Wife
- The City of the Future
- The Clearstream Affair
- The Club
- The Color Wheel
- The Country Doctor
- The County
- The Days to Come
- The Decline of the American Empire
- The Deep Blue Sea
- The Deer
- The Embassy
- The Facts of Murder
- The Fifteen Year Old Widows
- The Gangster's Daughter
- The Ghost Of Yotsuya
- The Girl with a Bracelet
- The Girl Without Hands
- The Girl, the Mother and the Demons
- The Golden Era
- The Great Game
- The Great Man
- The Great Pretender
- The Hole
- The Hole Story
- The Immaculate Conception of Little Dizzle
- The Innocents
- The Inspector General
- The Invisible Witness
- The Island
- The Land of Owls
- The Law
- The Libertine
- The Long Walk
- The Lover
- The Mafia Kills Only in Summer
- The Maid
- The Messenger
- The Midnight Swim
- The Midwife
- The Migrumpies
- The Mountain
- The Naked Screen
- The Names of Love
- The Off Hours
- The Outsider
- The Overworked
- The Paranoids
- The Passion of Augustine
- The Pencil
- The Plains
- The Point of Least Resistance
- The Queen of Fear
- The Queen of Hearts
- The Rabbi's Cat
- The Right Way
- The Salt of Tears
- The Scheming Women (Les Intrigantes)
- The Search
- The Second Mother
- The Second Time Around
- The Seduction of Mimi
- The Silent Village
- The Snow Woman
- The Stopover
- The Strangler
- The Student
- The Student and Mr Henri
- The Sweet Escape
- The Taqwacores
- The Terror
- The Test
- The Tree
- The Tune
- The Twentieth Century
- The Visitor
- The Wandering Soap Opera
- The Wasted Times
- The Widowed Witch
- The Winds That Scatter
- The Yellow Wallpaper
- The Zookeeper
- They Stole The Bomb
- This is Cristina
- This Is Our Land
- This Magnificent Cake!
- Three Monkeys
- Three Summers
- Thunderbird
- Thunderbolt
- Thursday Till Sunday
- Tilva Rosh
- Time Regained
- Tokyo Fiancee
- Tokyo Shaking
- Tomcat
- Tony Manero
- Too Late to Die Young
- Torremolinos 73
- Tower. A Bright Day.
- Transit
- Tribute to Alfred Lepetit
- Tú y Yo
- Two Lottery Tickets
- Until the Birds Return
- Vampire Clay
- Vampire Cleanup Department
- Veronico Cruz
- Vic + Flo Saw a Bear
- Video Game
- Viktoria
- Violet
- Violeta Went to Heaven
- Visible Secret
- Visitors From the Arkana Galaxy
- Viva la Liberta
- Viva Riva
- Vortex
- We Are Little Zombies
- We Go Way Back
- We Need to Talk About Kevin
- Wendy and Lucy
- Werewolf
- What Doesn’t Float
- What Happened Was...
- What's in a Name?
- Whatever Lola Wants
- When a Tree Falls (Amama)
- When Evening Falls on Bucharest or Metabolism
- When I'm Done Dying
- White Sun
- Why Has Bodhi-Dharma Left for the East?
- Will You Marry Us?
- Winter Brothers
- Winter Vacation
- Wood and Water
- Woodpecker
- World War III
- Wrath of Silence
- Wrinkles
- Wuthering Heights
- Yo
- You Go to My Head
- You Will Be My Ally
- You Won't Miss Me
- Youth
- Zero Point
- Zerograd